No shampoo No bald 抜け毛の原因は塩シャンプーで対策
My son had a problem when he was a high school student. He has worried about his hair. In those days I also started to worry my hair volume got down. My hair got white so I have to dye. It is not good, I knew. I like to tie my hair in a ponytail. It is also no good. 当時、高校生の息子と50代の私はシャンプー難民でした。
We tried many shampoos, controlled lifestyle and went to clinics and did massages. After all, we tried to believe that bald is not bad! Looks is not everything. Personality is more important. あらゆるシャンプー、生活改善、マッサージ、いろいろやって、行き着いたのは、人間見た目じゃない(笑)
But, one day I met this book. It is titled ‘Shampoo with salt makes your hair volume up.’ そんな時、出会ったのがこの本。
塩シャンプーで髪が増えた!Salt shampoo!

The author, Mr. Watanabe is a hair dresser. His father was bald and he had worried that he would have been bald too, since he was young. 著者の渡辺さんは美容師さん。遺伝的にハゲの可能性が大。
薄毛に遺伝は関係ない?No gene?
When he got sick, he went to the hospital. But nothing was wrong. He thought it might be the reaction to stress. He tried many things, and after all, he was suggested to use salt in bath time by his friend. ストレスで体調を崩した時に、何気に始めた塩浴。と言っても、今までのお風呂タイムの石鹸を塩にしただけ。すると、体調が復活したと同時に、身体のうぶ毛が生えてきた。
The safest, the cheapest method!
Salt massages made him great, one day he realized his body was covered with tiny hair. Maybe salt shampoo help my bald. 4 month later, his hair changed apparently. これは髪にも試さないと損。わずか4カ月、見違えるように髪が生えてきた。