eBay gives me the world イーベイの海外通販は有り難い
I can buy English stuff by eBay. It’s great. If I want to have something sold in England, I have to go there by plane, taking day off more than 5 days, spending 150000 yen ( £1000 ). ヨーロッパに行くには少なくとも5日の休みと15万円ぐらいの旅行費がかかるもんね。
What I want is, 欲しかったのはコレ↓
Ariel and Bold. ← silly? バカ?
In Japan I use Ariel and Bold, but they are seemed to be completely different smell. English Ariel and Bold must be the one I love its fragrance. 探し求めているイギリスのあの香り。英国版アリエール&ボールドではないか、と。
It is coming in the middle of August. I am excited. 届くのめっちゃ楽しみ。
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)’・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*