✔️ or ◯ for Nintendo player
In Japan, ✔️means mistake, and ◯ means good.
In Doraemon, Nobita(Noby) ‘s exam is like this.
リタとナントカTatamiser et Manga タタミゼとリタとナントカ
We use, “Which one you like? Circle the number you like.” or “Choose false or true, mark ◯ for right, mark × for wrong.”
created by Rinker
(2025/01/22 16:43:32時点 楽天市場調べ-詳細)
In other country, ◯ means the one you made mistake.
PlayStation shows like this,
We push × for cancel, ◯ for OK. If you want to save your game put ◯, not ×.
Bye.( ・◡・ )♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪