Skin fasting in 50’s. 50代でシャンプーを絶ったら次は肌断食に進む
クロロ化粧品をかれこれ30年弱。 クロロ化粧品https://www.chloro.co.jp/item/ When I was 24,5 years old, my face has lots of spot, pim…
Washing hair & body with salt is based on thalassotherapy, I think. タラソテラピーですね。全身、塩で洗うってのは。 タラソテラピーhttps:/…
eBay gives me the world イーベイの海外通販は有り難い
I can buy English stuff by eBay. It’s great. If I want to have something sold in England, I have to go there b…
Lovely scent from England イギリスのいい匂い
Every time I visit England, I notice there is nice smell. It comes from cloth, bed sheets. I think something f…
Crane Game called UFO catcher
Isn’t that great? We were almost leaving because we could not get it. But the tiny string was caught. (((((((⊙…