Washing hair & body with salt is based on thalassotherapy, I think. タラソテラピーですね。全身、塩で洗うってのは。 タラソテラピーhttps:/…
eBay gives me the world イーベイの海外通販は有り難い
I can buy English stuff by eBay. It’s great. If I want to have something sold in England, I have to go there b…
Lovely scent from England イギリスのいい匂い
Every time I visit England, I notice there is nice smell. It comes from cloth, bed sheets. I think something f…
Crane Game called UFO catcher
Isn’t that great? We were almost leaving because we could not get it. But the tiny string was caught. (((((((⊙…
✔️ or ◯ for Nintendo player
In Japan, ✔️means mistake, and ◯ means good. In Doraemon, Nobita(Noby) ‘s exam is like this. Nin…
Too hot for sightseeing in Kyoto
If you come to Kyoto,not in the summer. It is too hot to go out. 祇園祭Gyion Festival 祇園祭 in Kyoto You had better…
How to use chopsticks You may say you can do it, it is easy. But even Japanese can not manage exactly. ただ持てればい…
Blog wordpress 3 weeks ワードプレスで3週間のブログ
アクセスゼロ。ページビューもゼロ。ブログ村に参加するわけでもなく、TwitterやFacebookもせず、誰にも言わずに始めたらそんなもん。I started my blog 8th July. Almost 3 wee…
A ghost story in Kyoto 京都に古くから伝わる怪談
There are many ghost stories in Kyoto. This is a newspaper one day. 渡辺綱https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/渡辺綱 This …
Headache? Try salt. 頭痛を塩で治す
薬がのみたくないわけです。副作用とか嫌なんです。でも頭痛いのって辛い。そんな時、案外効くのが、これ。I know medicines heals me. But I hesitate to try often. Is t…